Thursday, May 13, 2010

"A Yellow Butterfly"

"...there was a YELLOW butterfly always following me..."

I'm doing my so loved google image search...and today....I just want to see yellow butterflies!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Fragment: FRIENDS

At any given moment, whether I'm up or down, FRIENDS always makes me laugh (the show that is!).

I love EACH and every one of the characters these 6 people play. I can't ever decide which is my favorite.

-Monica reminds me of my perfectionism and OCD ;) So, I love her in that way.
-Rachel is a beautiful, charming girl who everyone loves to watch :P
-Phoebe is hilarious!!!!!!! I laugh by just looking at her face :D :D :D
-Joey's naiveness, goofiness and soft heart is cute and endearing.
-Chandler is such a good man, who makes me laugh with his honest remarks.
-Ross forever in love with Rachel, reminds me of oh! so many feelings and stories.

Definitely, one of my favorite shows of all times! When in front of a TV (which is very seldom), Friends is one of the only 2 shows I'd be watching (Sex and the City being the other, of course).

"Six young people, on their own and struggling to survive in the real world, find the companionship, comfort and support they get from each other to be the perfect antidote to the pressures of life."

NOTE: I love that they always hang out at the coffee shop!

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