Friday, February 5, 2010

Fragment: MOVING

FEBRUARY...short month, big changes. Just like last year...

I think a time has come for me to grow up for REAL! To have my own space, to manage my life the way I believe works for me, to pay ALL my bills by MYSELF (uuuu! scary!), to have my own little 'home'.

So, a couple of days ago, I began my search. Waking up early in the morning, walking to the nearest newsstand, buying all the newspapers...I would come back home, excitingly sit at my desk, sip my coffee, and browse through the classifieds. It appeared to me that apartment searching was going to be a fun project. Until I realized, how sad it was that the places I could afford were either ugly or dirty or in areas that I wouldn't feel safe :S

I did find 3 one-bedroom apartments worthy of consideration. However, I still wasn't getting that "YES!-this-is-what-I've-been-looking-for" feeling.

Then, one day, while not fiercely looking, I came across a listing on the internet that sounded about right. At this point, I wasn't all that excited, but decided to give it one last shot before deciding for an apartment that was acceptable, but certainly not 'THE ONE'.

OMG!!!...........................................................I'd found a hidden treasure!!!!

Here are the photos of my little home...or as I've named it, "NENY'S TINY STUDIO" ;) YEYYYY!

Now, moving, organizing, decorating, and of course...LIVING! oh yeah....and paying rent every month, grrrrr! ;)


Eli said...

Omg Neny! Im so happy proud and happy for you! Este es un gran paso el que has dado en tu vida adulta, se que va a ser algo muy bueno para ti. Me encanta el lugar, especialmente la terraza, se parece a ti! Puedo imaginarte sentada en la terraza bebiendote una taza de cafe!
Estoy loca por verlo decorado a tu gusto!

Chennifer said...

congratulations Darleny! Hope you will love your new home!

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