Monday, February 1, 2010

"The Answer Man"

Interesting answers to important life questions from "THE ANSWER MAN" movie...

Q: Do I have a destiny or is it all free will? Free will or destiny?

A: Free will...moving towards or away from a purpose.

Q: If God made everything, then why are some things bad, like pain and suffering?

A: Opposites; without things that suck you would have no idea what good was and be direction-less. You smell shit and you walk the other way.

Q: Why can't I do things I wanna do? There's so much I know I'm capable of and never actually do. Why is that?

A: The trick is to realize that you're always doing what you wanna do, always. Nobody's making you do anything. Once you get that, you see that you're free and that it's really just a series of choices. Nothing happens to you; you choose.

Q: What keeps me together?

A: He knows everything about you and He wants you to know that you're enough, and so much more. You are here so god can experience the world through your eyes. See what you see; feel what you feel. Everyday, He can't wait to see what you'll do; what makes you laugh, what moves you...He can't wait! Everyday, through you, He falls in love with the world all over again. You are His MUSE.

I saw this film back in December at Fran's house, but hadn't blogged about it. Now, fixing my desk, I came across the piece of paper where I wrote "the answers" and decided to share them with you guys :)


1 comment:

digiruben said...

Just watched this last night and loved it. Thanks for this post :)

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