Friday, April 3, 2009


As I wander through the charming, little streets of Madrid, I wonder: What ever happened to BLISSFUL SOLITUDE?

Everyone that knows me KNOWS how much I enjoy being by myself...whether I'm just hanging out at home or traveling around. I've never understood when friends have told me: "Please come with me! I don't want to go ALONE!" My response to that has always been: "WHAT?! I always WANT to go ALONE!"

I've always been characterized as one that enjoys solitude a bit too much. I've never had a problem with traveling ALONE, going to the movies ALONE, drinking a bottle of wine ALONE, sitting at a restaurant ALONE, having a cup of coffee ALONE (well, with a book in hand, so not that ALONE)...and all these times, I've felt BLISS. I'm always ranting on how great it is to enjoy SOLITUDE!

So, today, it comes to my great surprise, that...for the first time in ages...I FEEL ALONE...scary!

I am exactly where I've been wanting to be in, like, FOREVER! Spain! I've dreamt of walking through these tiny, cobblestone streets hunting for unique treasures...and I HAVE! But, I feel...incomplete...a weird sense of emptiness. I don't want to walk these streets and find these treasures...ALONE...and it is SOOO weird to feel this way.

Maybe...deep inside, my heart knows...I was not supposed to be here...ALONE...

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