Saturday, March 7, 2009

"The show must go on..."

Today, I am so aware of how everything goes INEVITABLY back to 'normal'. Two nights ago, I was crying besides my uncle's coffin; last nite, I was at a dinner celebrating a friend's birthday. So strange...but that's life.

On this day, I notice how my stomach has stopped hurting; I breathe the fresh air and I feel happy; to-do lists have popped in my head after a week of not wanting to do ANYTHING; I hung out with my niece and nephew; I hung out with a friend; I went to a meeting at church, where we talked about future plans and goals for the music ministry; I went to a symphony concert as an expectator for the first time in two years, and enjoyed it inmensely...and as this day made me feel so ALIVE, I wonder..."how does this happen? the closure of something so terrible giving way to the continuation of 'normal' life activities? life can not be normal if I will never see him again, or can it? "...and as questions and more questions bounce around in my head, one thing becomes certain: the fact of the matter is that, THE SHOW MUST GO ON.

Some are born, some depart, some celebrate their birthdays, others are "born-again" (so happy for you Tia M.)'s all part of the is all, LIFE...and as people come and go, life keeps happening...the show is taking matter what happens, or how an event devastates some point, the curtains go up again, and THE SHOW WILL GO ON.

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