Saturday, November 29, 2008

"Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants II"

Yesterday, some time between lunch and work, I fit in a movie: "THE SISTERHOOD OF THE TRAVELING PANTS 2". Absolutely loved it! I got so emotional while watching it...which made me realize how much I miss having a close knit, a sisterhood, like the girls in the movie have. In high school, I had my sisterhood; in college, I had one too...but now, in REAL LIFE, I can't seem to find my 'adult life sisterhood'.

With the 'high school sisterhood', the love remains untouched. However, our realities have moved so far apart that we don't seem to connect the dots anymore. The 'college sisterhood' feels more reachable, emotionally speaking; our life experiences together happened more recently, so it's easier to reconnect. Nevertheless, we have gone our separate ways, LITERALLY speaking (we've all moved to different countries and states).

(right: part of my 'high school sisterhood')

I think it's so important for one to feel a sense of belonging, a sense of community with the people you feel so close to. You feel that you can be your TOTAL self with them, that you can do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING with your close knit...there's love, there's appreciation, there's respect and are never alone; and even when you are, you know it's because you choose to, not because there's not an option.

I tend to spend a lot of time alone. My friends know this about me and respect that, although they're never too happy about it. However, for the first time in my life, my lonesome moments have become a bit too much. Now, when I'm alone, it's not necessarily because I choose to, it may be more like, I don't have an option. It's kind of sad, really. Some days, I feel this NEED for girly moments and I call Lemay, one of my 'highschool sisters', and tell her, "Let's meet! I need some girly time!" Sometimes it's hard to coincide, but when we finally do, it's pretty amazing how fulfilling these moments can be.

I am so aware of how my life is changing...of how growing up sometimes means growing apart. But now, instead of getting all sappy and frustrated about these things, I accept them (with a bit of nostalgia, of course), looking forward to the sisterhood or brotherhood I will bump into in the future. Soon, I will move to a new place, I will get married, I will construct my own little comfort zone (once again), and hopefully, at some point, I will find that magic instant that connects you to someone effortlessly and inevitably...I will find my 'adult sister/brotherhood' along with my hubby...isn't that cool?! Can't wait........

"That is the best: to laugh with someone because you think the same things are funny!"

Note: mmmm, I HAVE found somewhat of an 'adult sisterhood' recently...two pretty ladies at the symphony have made me quite happy lately...THANK YOU, my girls ;)

1 comment:

Alex G. said...

Neny, I so know what you mean... It's something I just experienced recently in the last two weeks. I reconnected with so many of my friends and acquaintances while on my trips to NJ. It was very fulfilling! The most fulfilling, though, was when I met up with my "Sisterhood" (Sounds kind of gay coming from me, but who cares I love these girls). It was amazing how we can embrace for such a long time and not want to let go. Feeling so refreshed inside (Kind of like the tingly feeling you get on your scalp when you use the Refresh collection of Head-&-Shoulders shampoos; is like a minty feeling in your mouth!) that you want to stay close to them forever. And trust me, there was nothing sexual about it. It was all pure, and with genuine love. I wish I could post a picture here so I can show you my "Sisterhood," but I assure you once I get down to writing on my blog, you will see them up front and center. I remember somebody told me once: "It’s not where you are, it’s who you are with that matters!" This is so true, and it comes to life even more when I’m with my best friends. I also have a "Brotherhood" from college, whom, like your college "Sisterhood," has each gone their separate ways moving to different countries and states. However, we keep in touch ever so often, and love to hang out whenever one of us is in the other’s place of habitat. I just recently visited "el ingeniero" in Passaic, NJ, and although it was a short visit, it was worth the time. I got to spend time with him and even help him and his family set up their Christmas tree. Que viva la amistad!!!

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