Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Fragment: DADDY

I have an oh, so thoughtful dad! He stole my heart the other day, when I sat down in my computer, tired from a work trip and found a beautiful e-mail...

(Right: Pushy, me and daddy)

It read something like this:

"Neny: I saw this video, and paid closed attention to the words and the images...and I don't know why, but it reminded me a lot of your situation with Pushy. It was like hearing Pushy or you singing this song to each other. The song is a bit sad, but it's more like a firm promise of love of a couple separated by DISTANCE. For me, this song expresses words of hope in the midst of life's difficulties, without taking away the real pain that the separation by distance can cause. (I hope you like it and that it doesn't sadden you). After you hear it, if you'd like, send it to Pushy.

I love you.


Oh----My----God! Isn't he amazing! I quickly opened the file holding the video, and found a very touching, beautiful song by Luis Fonsi called "LLUEVE POR DENTRO" (It's raining inside).

Watch the video here:

It is definitely OUR song for this season in our relationship...I can't wait for the moment when our hearts stop 'raining inside'...very soon, HOPEFULLY.

Daddy!! Thank you for this wonderful gift! You have definitely spoken my LANGUAGE OF LOVE with this ;)

(uuuu, gotta write about the languages of love sometime soon, it's one of my favorite things to talk about!)

P.S.: In response to my sister's comment on the LANTERNS fragment, she's so right! Here is my FIRST lantern ever, given to me as a Christmas gift lots of years ago, by her ;) Here's the photo of it...it is kind of rusty :)

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