Monday, July 5, 2010

"4th of July!"

Someone said to me yesterday, "HAPPY 4th OF JULY!", as I waited for the show to start. This actually reminded me that......I AM AN AMERICAN :)

I wasn't all that excited about watching the fireworks last night. My parents and I had plans, but for some reason, my attitude was more on the side of "Uhuuu, fireworks" (in a sarcastic tone, that is). In past July 4th celebrations, I'd seen the fireworks from granny's apartment, from where they looked nice...but just that: Oh, nice.

But this time, when the first fireworks loudly popped and illuminated the skies with beautiful images and colors, I was STUPEFIED!

I caught my breath; my lips parted; my eyes were fixed...I was falling in love with that moment!

BONUS! I got to see the show from a building nearby (aka by the Hudson River *wink, wink*), which added to the unexpected excitement (totally!). Certainly looks amazing up close.

I thought of my design class while watching the show. I mean, there were happy faces, planets and 3-dimensional shapes popping up in the sky! "Who creates these things?! and HOW!", I thought.

It was awesome! I had a good time :)

Thanks family for showing me a wonderful night! And.....yes, wine and yummy Dominican food is always nice. Mmmmm!

NOTE: Design class? Yes...gotta catch up on that fragment! Oh, and......I'm in New York, by the way, for those who didn't know ;)


♥Jirehsita♥ said...

Sheneyney!!! Si tu supieras que a los que estaban tirando fuegos por aqui lo que yo queria era matarlos, me tenian a jugo como por dos semanas antes del gran dia y para colmo comenzaban como a las 8 y todavia eran las 12 y ellos estaban tirando cohetes, me tenian nerviosa. En ese sentido Im glad it finished. Pero entiendo mucho que verlos de cerca pueden ser cautivadores y hasta romanticos, hacen del momento un espacio magico.
By the way me encantan las fotos que le tiras a a tus pies desde una perspectiva aerea lol love it, so creative.
Love you!

Nenygq said...

:) gracias! Me encanta tirarle fotos a mis pies...lo ironico es k estoy un poco acomplejada de ellos! jaja :p

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