Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Today...came a moment when I just needed to get away!---(I tend to get these often)

(Left: image from Keri Smith's book LIVING OUT LOUD)

Sometimes, there's too much going on. May be around me or inside of me. Situations...thoughts...options that require a decision...or perhaps a memory that suffocates me, and I just have to catch my breath! And UFFFFF! That's when I decide to jump out of it. At least for a little while, 'til I gather my thoughts and my whole self.

So, without giving it much thought (which is obviously what I can't handle in those moments: MORE THINKING!), when that moment came today, I hopped on a bus to the city.

There was no specific place in my mind for me to go. But when I got to the city, I got on the train and randomly stopped on 14th st. UNION SQUARE. Coming out of the train station, the wonders of this day began to unravel. URBAN OUTFITTERS was right on the corner of the train station--how convenient ;)

I went into the store (of course!) and delighted all my senses while browsing through the sales rack (the only section I can afford) *wink wink* Touching, seeing, hearing...taste and smell not so much, but it is such a wholesome experience for me that, yes, I do believe I even tasted and smelled things :p

After finding 3 little treasures, I felt better ALREADY!

Coming out of UO, I started making my way down 6th Avenue. I had no idea where I was headed. Yet, I knew exactly where I was going--WEIRD. I made a right at an odd corner (maybe by West 4th) and started getting lost in these little, colorful streets full of restaurants, stores and coffee shops. My senses were brimming! I was literally feeling LIFE running through my body, through my veins.

It was extremely HOT today! But, for some reason, it didn't bother me at all. Even my wet skin reminded me of how HERE I was today.

I stopped for lunch at an Indian little hole in the wall. Exotic flavors! Another sensorial experience, and thankfully, affordable (a NYC rare). Then, more walking.

Had BEBE on my BB as I walked (that woman speaks DIRECTLY to my soul), now with a MATCHA GREEN TEA BLAST from Jamba Juice in hand (I'm so hooked to these now, and also, thai iced teas!). Mmmmm...refreshing! Just what I needed. And...thoughts? They were there...but...not so much as overwhelming, heavy facts......more like poetic, little fragments depicting the wonderful days of Neny in this life :)

This is when I stumbled upon an oasis in the middle of this fast paced, noisy city. A total GEM! Here, I just laid on a bench and read for a while.

I was like getting a 'high' on life this afternoon! It was a marvelous idea to leave home and just come out!



I was ready to go home.

I highly recommend WALKABOUTS. When things get foggy inside of you just go out for a loooong walk ;) You cannot imagine all the little treasures you might stumble upon. Little things will lift up your spirit; bring a smile to your face; make you understand something; inspire an idea, a thought, a feeling...and you might even find...CLARITY.

I sure did.


♥Jirehsita♥ said...

OMG! Sweet!!! I've enjoyed this reading sooo much like if it where me who made the walkabout! I'm gonna have to do one of those some day with no particular destiny. I've noticed that when I go out alone like that is so refreshing but at the same time confusing it feels like I can't believe that I'm really enjoying it, the more I do it the more I get in contact with the the enjoying part though, I don't know why I haven't totally convinced myself of doing it more often... oh well I'm definitely sure that it was liberating for you cause it was for eventhough I did'nt go lol.

Love you sics

Nenygq said...

k bueno k disfrutaste esta andanza conmigo pupis! Me hace sentir feliz cuando alguien se identifica conmigo....porque para mi es algo super magico y lindo cuando me identifico con algo o alguien :) Go on ur own walkabouts!!! Veras con cuantas sorpresitas te puedes encontrar ;)

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