Friday, July 2, 2010

Fragment: SILENCE

"Things have happened the way they were supposed to happen...I MUST trust that." -my Facebook status for today

Sometimes, I go through these periods of silence...silence towards the world; silence towards all the fragments of my life (yes, including this blog).

The funny (or ironic) thing is that while I seem SO quiet, what's REALLY taking place is a lot of MOVEMENT! Fragments of my life start changing; moving from place to place; taking new twists and turns; acquiring different colors, shapes and meanings; reaching new levels, expanding......and it gets SO loud inside of me!

And when it gets this loud on the inside, I just NEED to be silent on the outside.

It seems like I can't write until the moving fragments fall into ONE place. Two months fly by, and it seems as if I just blinked my eyes. The fragments slow down to a comfortable pace and the clouds dissipate...the noise inside gives way to the silence from the outside...and my soul feels a sweet breeze...a delicate drizzle refreshing the insides of me.


...such moment has arrived :)

Welcome back, Neny!
(how many times have I had to say this to myself :P)


♥Jirehsita♥ said...
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♥Jirehsita♥ said...

Ahora que tu dices eso de feeling loud inside me recordé de algo que me lo encotraba bien raro de mi antes y era que los momentos donde yo escribía mis poemas más tristes era cuando estaba contenta, recuerdo que sentía la mente derecha y me fluían las ideas de cualquier tristeza que había pasado. Sin embargo, cuando estaba triste no me salía ni una tilde... lol!!! Debiera ser alrevez jajajaja

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