Sunday, July 11, 2010

"FIFA World Cup 2010"

I'm not a sports person at all. The only sport I could actually sit and watch is BOXING (or UFC). All the others have the ability to bore me pretty easily. But this last month, between Shakira's "WAKA WAKA" and the sound of the vuvuzela coming out of the TV as my parents watched FIFA games all day, I kind of grew fond of it; SOCCER, that is.

Before this World Cup, I could care less about soccer. As Frenchy-Aish wrote on her facebook status today, " 'Spain won'...for me, you might as well just say, 'look, the ant is walking'. I don't care :/".

But, today, as Spain scored that last and only GOL, three minutes before the end of the game, I actually screamed...yes, I was EXCITED!

It is a very intense FULL of emotions!

Seeing those men (some very, very handsome boys, by the way :p) cry at the end of the games was a bit disturbing! UUUYYY! It actually made me admire them even more. I mean, they seem so strong; running around, chasing a ball for 90 minutes or so, bumping into each other and falling hardly on the ground. But they are actually so in touch with their emotional being!

And they all seem so close to each other. They reflect a beautiful sense of community that truly touched me. I actually got teary-eyed in a couple of games :'(

Today...the FIFA World Cup came to a glorious end...I feel like it will be missed by many.

As of me, I'll just be relieved to hear something more than just the WAKA WAKA song on mom's channel 41 ;)

NOTE: The fact that it took place in SOUTH AFRICA brought back some very nice memories...I HAVE GOT TO RETURN TO SOUTH AFRICA SOME DAY!

(Above: Me @South Africa, April 2004)

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