Friday, September 5, 2008

Fragment: ETSY

It is incredible how a WEBSITE can change one's life/one's days in a way one could've never imagined (or at least I couldn't have).

Personally, I despise sitting in front of a TV, a computer or anything that makes me feel as if hours have been washed down the drain. But one day, while 'googling' stuff to find ideas for my wedding dress, I found ETSY. There, I found a beautiful, vintage dress that I thought would be sooooo PERFECT for me! The price was perfect too, $98 *wink, wink*. I fell totally in love with the dress, not aware at the moment that what I'd found was more than just a dress. I'd found a community, a way of life, a concept that would change my way of seeing things. I'd found inspiration; a connection with people that are so much like me!

ETSY instantly intrigued me so much! VINTAGE, HANDMADE, CRAFTS? Sounds to me like NENY, NENY, NENY. And, just like that, a whole new world opened up in front of me...from my laptop! I would've never guessed, since I am so not a computer person.

Etsy is all about buying/selling VINTAGE and HANDMADE. People all around the world open their own little shops for free in this community to sell their crafts and vintage findings. Endless treasures could be found in all these shops! OH MY GOD!!!! I am so HOOKED.

As I checked out all kinds of shops, without a doubt, I found my favorite one: WHICHGOOSE's shop.

Through etsy I've realized that I am not alone in the world. I actually belong to a community of people that are on the same GROOVE as me ;) What an amazing discovery! As I said on my 1st post, it is so powerful when we find something/anything that we can identify with, connect to.

I wish to open my own etsy shop, soon. I'm still thinking about what my 'niche' would be. I have some ideas in mind, but still haven't felt like THIS IS IT. I think having my etsy shop will be fantastic once I move to Napa Valley. I'll certainly have something to look forward to everyday! Making my crafts, posting them on the etsy page, logging in often to see if there's been any sales, if so, wake up the next day, prepare the packages and send them out.

In this way, I will be connected to so many people in a surreal way. BEAUTIFUL :)

............and so, reading about the sellers on etsy, I've learned and fallen in love with the concept I now intend to live by: RECYCLE, REUSE, REPURPOSE!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you know that I have spent probably three hours-browsing through etsy- you are right!
-Dominicana NYC AET

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